
An image of this ID card
Card Name: 
Date Issued: 
Issuing Agency: 
Home Office
Voluntary or Mandatory: 
Information on the Card: 
Birth Date
Years Valid
Other Information on the Card: 

Although this card is one year old, the predecessor of the German ID card was introduced in the 1930s. The Issuing Agency is the Federal Ministry of the Interior in association with the Government Printing Office (Bundesdruckerei). Although it is mandatory to possess an official ID card, there is no rule that it has to be the Personalausweis - the official passport (Reisepass) will also be accepted. The information on the card consists of First and Last Name, Doctoral degree (if applicable), date of birth, place of birth, nationality, date of expiry, signature, address, height, colour of eyes, authority and date of issuance. There is also a unique ID card number that changes with every newly issued ID card. There is no RFID chip, so there is no digital information stored on the ID card yet. The card purpose is likewise governmental and private use. The ID card is valid for six years if the owner is younger than 24 and ten years for everybody who is older.

Biometric Technology on the Card: 

digital fingerprints, facial recognition

Card Purpose: 

E-government, health